PTW Community Engagement projects are a platform where we unite communities around the world together through workshops and events aimed at improving the health and education of participants.
Our aim is to provide the world with access to quality education and facilitating healthier lifestyles. Through a network of skilled volunteers, we deliver a range of health and education initiatives at the individual, community, and global level. For more than a decade PTW has utilised emerging technologies to deliver our health and education initiatives, meeting the needs of an increasingly connected world.

Community For All
PTW are engaging with communities to drive positive health choices and promote healthier lifestyles
Our Community Engagement activities are available to all members of the communities we support. We ensure that the health and education targets we address are specific to communities, avoiding a one-size-fits-all approach to health education. Through interactive events and workshops, we motivate and enable communities to engage in meaningful events that directly improve their health and education, regardless of age or background. Basing our health education on research and the specific needs of each community, we aim to transform communities into healthy, united, and sustainable populations.
Many health and education targets are often areas which individuals and communities are traditionally unwilling to engage with, believing that ‘it’s not for them’, despite public health and education research suggesting otherwise. Therefore PTW takes a united approach within these communities, engaging with all different societal members together, to help communities and people learn and grow together.
Community Engagement
PTW Community Engagement events are mostly online events which anyone can attend. Our events run through the video conferencing platform ‘Zoom’. Click on our events below for more details.
“PTW is an organisation I have supported since it was made known to me in 2012. The values PTW hold as an organisation are held with integrity and compassion. I appreciate this about PTW as it lines up closely with my own personal values. Intrinsic motivation draws me to PTW as I personally value health and education, and the way PTW uses these as tools to enhance the quality of the world.
A big factor in why I choose to support PTW so consistently is their choice to be 100% volunteer based. This creates an environment of genuine, compassionate, and selfless humans who are of a high calibre. Everyone is pleasant to be around, and everyone cares about the same goals and outcomes.
The events are fun as well as educational. There’s always a personal growth in attending PTW events. Everyone gets something out of it, volunteers and participants included. I am grateful to know such an organisation exists and it is a privilege to be one of their long-term supporters."
~ Olivia Gergis | PTW supporter and donor

“SSAYU runs an influential mentoring program called Bounce Back that runs every Friday evening in Melbourne’s South East. This is done in partnership with PTW who have consistently provided quality and highly skilled volunteers for our program for the past two and a half years and ongoing. I must say that I am highly impressed with the service of PTW as they have demonstrated commitment, consistency, agility and professionalism at all times. We are forever indebted to PTW and appreciate their ongoing support."
~ Monica Deng | Director of South Sudanese Australia Youth United

“I first heard of PTW several years ago through a friend who encouraged me to come along to some local charity ‘bootcamp’ sessions. Supporting a good cause + exercise = a no brainer! During the first session, I immediately became interested to learn more about the cause and was impressed with the vision of PTW. Being a uni student at that stage, I had some extra time on my hands and was interested to become more involved in the activities knowing that it would ultimately benefit childhood education in developing countries. I threw myself into various PTW activities, including contributing health-related articles to the PTW magazine, supporting the coordination of events and being a regular bootcamp participant. In addition to the various interesting tasks, I immensely enjoyed the social element of being a PTW volunteer. Over several years I met some great people, some of whom I am still friends with today. PTW continues to impress me in the various ways the activities have evolved and yet always stayed true to its vision"
~ Rebecca Meldrum | Community Engagement Volunteer

“I felt it was an important cause as children are the future. The opportunity that I have had to play an instrument such as the violin at PTW’s Education Through Arts event, is one that many children in third world countries miss out on. Music is food for the mind, body and soul. The tireless effort of PTW to create change in this world and reach out to those that truly need it is inspiring. I wish it only continues to bring together communities and provide opportunities that many of us take for granted"
~ Laura Ciacchi | Community Engagement Supporter and Donor