PTW encourages a commitment to life-long volunteering across the world.
A key part of PTW is ensuring that all our operations, including the management and facilitation of projects, happen in a completely voluntary capacity. Volunteering is a critical resource for peace and development, and we highly value a commitment to lifelong volunteering.
People assume that an organization of our size, scope and impact must involve paid volunteers, but this is not true. PTW is a 100% volunteer run and operated organization. Not a single person in PTW is being paid for their services. This includes our CEO, directors, managers, administrative team, and all involved in delivering health and education outcomes to the world.
Since its creation in 2010, PTW has led the world in bringing innovation and new ways of thinking to the volunteering space. Our team of dedicated volunteers have helped us rise and succeed in the challenge of making the impossible, possible.
PTW work closely with volunteers individually to ensure that volunteering is accessible and possible long-term. We demonstrate our belief that volunteer engagement should be accessible and possible for all.
Impacts Of Volunteering
The impacts of volunteering are multidimensional and range from developing volunteers in their skill-building and organisational employability, to adding value and enrichment to their lives. Volunteering is known to directly change participants’ world views, enhancing their understanding of development and aid. Volunteering improves our perspective and understanding of cultures and communities, while fostering an environment for individuals to pursue their own passions, interests and life goals. Along with benefits to the individual, volunteering produces major outcomes for global development that otherwise would not be possible. The impact of volunteering on society is not only of great social benefit, but also economic benefit.
For example:
- Volunteering provides a mechanism for change and development that does not require the financial strains that paid employment requires, reducing the barriers to social and global impact
- Volunteering connects individuals with their community and develops stronger social cohesion and improved individual health
- Volunteering can provide ongoing and consistent improvements to global development that reduce the need and pressures for financial investments
Volunteering Worldwide:
PTW follows the ethos that all acts of charity should be facilitated in a volunteer capacity. The act of volunteering itself has great benefits to the development of individuals and society at large which PTW aim to advocate further. For example:
- The number of people engaged in volunteering worldwide is estimated at 970 million
- Estimates place the economic value and impact of volunteer work at US$1.348 trillion or 2.4 per cent of the entire global economy
- 92 percent of respondents agree that volunteering improves employees’ broader professional skills
What are we doing?
For these reasons, PTW holds volunteering as a fundamental pillar of creating a positively transforming world. Whilst we have many principles on volunteering, some of our key principles that govern how we volunteer include:
- Being responsible for our actions by using skills-based volunteering only
- Empowering communities by volunteering from within
- Avoiding voluntourism and making volunteering eco-friendly
- Advocating for life-long volunteering
- Make volunteering inclusive and accessible to all